Higher Rock Education - Economics Blog

Rain or Shine - Weather Can Influence Supply and Demand

Tuesday, October 04, 2016

International budget clothes retailer Primark recently made the news by blaming the weather for a fall in sales. Essentially, said Primark, the warm weather in the run-up to Christmas 2015 meant that people simply didn't buy as many clothes. This, of course, was followed by an unseasonably cool spring, which only added to the problem by slowing down the sales of summer clothes. With limited warehouse space and deliveries constantly on the way from countries halfway across the world, Primark couldn't simply sit on the stock they had. More

Summary of the Wall Street Journal Study on College Rankings

Friday, September 30, 2016

The Wall Street Journal recently published its inaugural Higher Education Rankings with Times Higher Education in an article by Melissa Korn and Douglas Belkin. It was posted on September 27, 2016 at 10:40 p.m. Use this link to access the articles if you subscribe to The Wall Street Journal. I have summarized the article for those who are unable to access it. More

Business Lessons I Learned from My Church

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

My church is celebrating its 197th birthday! It has survived 90 military conflicts, and 36 business cycles. How have we survived? Several members share their thoughts, which, I believe are useful for businesses. More

Pipeline Fracture in Southeast Disrupts Oil Supply - A Lesson in Supply and Demand

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

I live in North Carolina. Since Sunday there have been long lines at gas stations; that is if they have gasoline to sell. On September 9th a leak was discovered in a major pipeline carrying gasoline from the refineries in the Gulf States to Linden, New Jersey. Between 252,000 and 356,000 gallons of gasoline More

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