Higher Rock Education Provides Free Online Economics Lessons Designed Specifically For Students, Home Schools, And Teachers!

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"Higher Rock Education is committed to providing free economic education to develop global understanding, compassion, & economic literacy"

Our Lessons Are Free!

Our passion…economics education. Our mission…to provide online, supplementary economics lessons to young adults, while fostering an appreciation for the relevance of Christianity and economic principles. Our goal…to make learning enjoyable and interesting. How...by providing interactive exercises, videos, text, and relevant articles. Our classroom…anywhere with an internet connection. Our market…teachers, homeschools, schools, and anyone else interested in understanding economics.

As a Non-Profit Organization, we Depend on Your Donations - Thank You!


Our Lessons Include:  
Scripture Lesson
Interactive Exercises
Supplemental Videos
Detailed Glossary of Economic Terms
Links to Relevant Articles and Resources
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  • BLOG

  • State of The Economy - May 2019

    Sunday, June 09, 2019
    Blog Image

    The May economic reports indicate that the US economy continues to thrive, although some economists fear the expansion is near its peak and threatened by the trade wars. Many of this group believe expansionary monetary policy is appropriate to prolong the expansion. Access ten reports and read my summary and analysis. MORE

  • State of the Economy - April 2019

    Tuesday, April 30, 2019
    Blog Image

    The economy is growing. Unemployment is low. Inflation tame. What should we be worried about? MORE

  • The Growth of Intangible Assets and Market Evaluation

    Tuesday, April 23, 2019
    Blog Image

    Many of the world's most valued companies have relatively few tangible assets when compared to 50 years ago. Why? And what are the implications for investors and the rest of the economy? Mr. Sharples writes about the book Capitalism without Capital by Haskel and Westlake. MORE


I like the way Higher Rock makes economics understandable by providing clear written text, entertaining videos, and instructive interactive exercises.


I love the Scripture lessons!


The Higher Rock lessons have been presented in an easy-to-understand format, with the information in each lesson being very relevant and extremely helpful in furthering my knowledge of economics. I appreciate that the lessons are straightforward and are explained in terms that are accessible for people with varying levels of exposure to economics.


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